Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ghost Falls

Water has a funny fascination for photographers and the way we treat the subject is odd. We try to change it from how it looked so we can convey how it felt to look at it. I think this is what I did here but you will just have to believe me when I say how wet it was. After each of the three shots I had to retreat to dry the camera in order to get this one and each time I had to remember where I stood and recompose the shot.

I have visited Golspie for many years and never knew this was there. It pays to go exploring sometimes.


Unknown said...

Love that photo and wish I was there. Just wanted to say great blog and I hope you don't mind but I linked to your blog from mine. If that is an issue please let me know. I also tried to go to you flickr pages from the link but it came up broke.

Gary said...


No problem at all! Thanks for the link! Give me yours and I will reciprocate. Sort link now, thanks for the heads up.