Sunday, February 11, 2007

Midweek Mountains

Winter in the Highlands is a mixed blessing. For days and days you see no sun, get rained on and when snow comes it is normally late. This week however was full of bright days and on Wednesday morning I took some time out to get into the air with the aim to capture some images of our local mountains which had been given a good covering of snow the previous evening.
This shot is of the summit of Ben Wyvis and looking west towards the interior of Wester Ross. You can clearly see the Fannichs, An Teallach and the Ben Dearg range.
The cold drove me back - it was well below - or otherwise I would have been off in a wnder in that direction. Not a bad morning and back to work by lunchtime.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Just another sunset

Sunsets draw photographers like a moth to a flame. Despite this reality I rarely actually try to take a pic of a sunset proper. Usually the time after the sun has set, or indeed just before it rises, is the better time for a more atmospheric picture.
Family and business commitments have meant that my 5D has been firmly in it's bag for a little too long and as I had a little time between coming home from Edinburgh and having to pick up Greg from the bike tracks I thought I would go to my local shoreline and catch the sun going down. This shot was one of the last taken before it disappeared behind the distant mountains and is the least affected by flare . All shots were taken with a 2 stop bracket as I knew that despite using a ND grad filter I would need some layering/hdr work to get anything meaningful.
Should hold me over for a couple of days. ;-)